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Perry County Community Foundation

Perry County Community Foundation

A trusted resource for philanthropy serving communities in Perry County.

Our Mission

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Our mission is to encourage, guide and facilitate the creation of charitable funds that will have an ongoing impact on the culture, aesthetics, education and leadership of Perry County, Missouri.

We will help you create a legacy that will make an impact - forever. Since our founding on Dec 12, 2014, Perry County Community Foundation has distributed more than $2.3 million in grants to the community. We now hold assets totaling $903,251 as of June 30, 2024.

Our Leadership

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Natalie Lorenz, Chair

Our foundation is led by members of our community.

  • Natalie Lorenz, Chair
  • Terina Dillahay, Vice Chair
  • Garrett Behrle, Treasurer
  • Dennis Bohnert
  • Michelle Hadler
  • Jeff Layton
  • Keith Lorenz
  • Carlene Rauh
  • Scott Sattler
  • Angela Swan
  • Brent Buerck, Ex-Officio
  • Trish Ertzfeld, Ex-Officio
  • Frank Robinson, Founding Member
  • Kelli Behrle, Advisory Committee
  • Jennifer Janet, Advisory Committee
  • Abby Petzoldt, Foundation Coordinator

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CFO honors Perry County Community Foundation for philanthropic leadership

July 17, 2024 — The Community Foundation of the Ozarks recently recognized the Perry County Community Foundation for its philanthropic leadership to the community. As one of the CFO’s Affiliates of the Year, the Perry County Community Foundation received a $5,000 award to supplement its annual grantmaking.

Selection for the award was based on growth in several categories, as well as examples of community leadership, collaboration and the promotion of planned giving. As of May 31, the PCCF’s assets had grown 19% to more than $881,000 in 32 charitable funds. From July 1, 2023, to May 31, grantmaking from those funds totaled more than $189,000 to address community needs and support causes important to donors.

“Every community needs champions who selflessly dedicate their time, talent and treasure to improve the lives of others,” said Alice Wingo, vice president of affiliates for the CFO. “As our regional affiliate network has grown over the last 31 years, these exceptional leaders provide great examples for others to follow.”

Leading Locally

Serving to support

The Perry County Community Foundation serves by supporting programs and initiatives that enhance life in its footprint.

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CFO honors Natalie Lorenz for service to Perry County Community Foundation

April 27, 2023 — During the Rural Philanthropy Summit on April 25, the Community Foundation of the Ozarks presented Natalie Lorenz with a Board Member of Excellence Award. She serves as a board member for the Perry County Community Foundation.

Lorenz was recognized for helping the PCCF establish new funds for charitable causes, in addition to her work in other charitable activities in the area. She is credited with spearheading a charitable giving seminar and acting as president of the local Impact 100 giving circle.

Lorenz was one of five board leaders honored within the CFO’s network of regional affiliate foundations. Five affiliate foundations were also recognized as Affiliates of the Year. Along with the recognition, affiliate foundations received a total of $23,000 to supplement their annual grantmaking to the communities they serve. The awards mark 30 years of the CFO’s Affiliate Foundation program, which began in 1993 with the establishment of the Nixa Community Foundation.

“For 30 years, our regional affiliate foundations have done so much to improve the quality of life in many communities across our wide service area,” said Alice Wingo, the CFO’s vice president of affiliates. “Foundation leaders like Lorenz work hard to build long-term, sustainable resources that will benefit all sectors of a community. With exemplary foundations and leaders like the ones honored today, these 53 towns, counties and regions have bright futures ahead.”

The awards capped off the Rural Philanthropy Summit, presented by the CFO and Philanthropy Missouri at the Oasis Convention Center. The event is believed to be the first statewide gathering of philanthropists and foundations focused on the development of rural communities.

Perry County Legacy Society

  • Angela Swan

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