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Musgrave Multi-Year Impact Grants: Keys to Housing 2025 - Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Keys to Housing $750,000 over three years will fund successful proposals that support affordable and safe housing opportunities in the Springfield area. Learn More

Current Donors

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We strive to make your giving easy and help you reach your charitable goals.

Giving & Granting

A CFO agency partner, The Springfield Little Theatre, dance performance

Your charitable giving should reflect who you are and what you love, turning your passion into purpose.

The CFO works closely with donors to accomplish impactful grantmaking. When you are ready to make a grant, we’re ready to help you. In order to help you make the best use of your fund, we also provide educational programs on local topics and regular communications. We are your resource if you need more information about a nonprofit agency.

Here are some of the benefits of using the CFO to make your charitable giving most effective.

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Your personalized fund will enable you to have the greatest possible impact. You decide the size and timing of grants  — no annual distribution required or minimum grant amount.

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CFO staff will help you make sure your grants are going to eligible organizations classified by the IRS as 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, recognized houses of worship, schools and incorporated government entities.

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Fund holders are invited to educational events about community issues and opportunities. You will have the chance to engage with those affecting change on the ground level.

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You will receive special invitations and communications as part of the CFO family. We believe philanthropy strengthens communities and families.

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To make grant recommendations, you simply need to provide information to the CFO by letter, email, Fund Manager or telephone. CFO staff will assist in the grantmaking process in whatever capacity the advisor wishes.

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Donors can access their fund information 24/7 on Fund Manager a web-based platform that provides access to financial and grant information.


Donor-Advised Funds: An Introduction

Watch Caitlin's video series all about donor-advised funds

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At Your Service

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As the Director of Donor Services, Anna Withers is available to help donors with gifts and grants, answer questions and guide access to the Fund Manager 24-hour online platform.

CFO Founders Fund

Help us do more for our communities.

Once a year, the CFO asks existing donors to consider a gift to the CFO Founders Fund to support general operations, such as travel across the region and public leadership work.

Donate to the Founders Fund

Still need help? Call us and ask for Donor Services.