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The Legacy Society

How to Join

Donors are recognized for establishing a planned gift to benefit their charitable interests.

A promise for the future.

White dogwood blossums

The Legacy Society is comprised of donors who have made a planned gift to the CFO or one of our regional affiliate foundations.

The Legacy Society was created in 1990 to recognize and thank donors in their lifetimes and to offer the opportunity to introduce ourselves and learn more about the donor’s philanthropic wishes. The CFO continues to focus on the importance of expanding our planned giving commitments.

The United States is in the midst of the largest transfer of wealth in history from the Greatest Generation to their heirs. One way to leave a legacy is to consider “The 5% Solution” by directing that portion of your estate plan toward causes you support.


A Conversation about Planned Giving

Longtime CFO and Carthage Community Foundation supporter Bill Putnam talks about the value of planned giving.

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Legacy Society Members

The following individuals have made a planned gift to the CFO or one of its regional affiliates. Deceased individuals are marked with an asterisk.

Springfield & Regional

Mrs. Oscar Acton*
Jennifer Ailor
Jim and Janet Anderson
Sally A. Baird
Jo and Jon Baker
Paul O. Barker
Dan C. Beckner* and Zoann Beckner
Dr.* and Mrs. Don Beisner
Vencil J. Bixler* and Frances B. Bixler
Joyce Blades
Dr. and Mrs. William V. Brell Jr.
John* and Barbara* Brockschmidt
Bart Brown and Doug Hutchcraft
Julie T. Brown
Mary E. Brunner*
Mr.* and Mrs.* Jerome A. Caplan
Krist Carlson
Thomas J. Carlson
Robert and Margaret Carolla (Robert L. Carolla and Margaret Bess Carolla Charitable Remainder Trust)
Ken Carter
Karen and Larry Catt
Alys L. Clevenger*
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley E. Coats
James Leon and Dorothy* Combs
Harry Cooper*
John Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney
Mr.* and Mrs.* Cribbs
Merry Crouch and Roberta Hermann
Bill* and Pat* Delano
Bridget and Andy Dierks
Charles “Chuck” and Jody Dow
Bryan K. and Jennifer L. Downer
Anne Drummond*
Elwyn* and Blanche* Edge
William C.* and Dorothy L.* Evers
Tom Finnie
Fern Freese*
Norene Fronabarger
Gary and Jana Funk
Gloria J. Galanes
James A. and Pamela J. Gessler
JW and Kirsten Gibbs
Caitlin Golike
James and Tabitha Golike
Gene Grady*
Harry Graham*
Stephen and Susanne Gray
Linda Ramey-Greiwe
Dr. Kathleen Griesemer
Sam F. and June S. Hamra
Chet* and Vera Hardin
Walter and Melissa Heinle
Derek Hennigh and Bryan Scanlon
Susie Henry
Ray* and Kay* Hilton
Sally L. Hubbard*
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Humphrey
Dr. Charles and Connie Jobe
Carol Jones*
William P. and Joyce A. Kastler
Mimi Kauffman
Dr.* and Mrs. Houston C. Ker
David E. and Cynthia Diane Kesterson
Betty H. King*
Robert and Barbara Kipfer
Louise Knauer
Keith and Randy LaFerriere
Bruce and Julie Leeth
Rev. (Dr.) Dorsey E. Levell*
Wesley and Chelsea Litton
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Low
William R. Luckfield*
Dr. Harold H. Lurie, M.D.*
Jack Willard Magness
Ervin* and Eleanor* Maiefski
E. A. Martin Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs.* Don Martin Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell
Lahna Mueller
Lawrence P. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Max Murphy
Ken and Linda Neale
Mark and Lori Nelson
Ron A. Neville
Doug and Rae Nickell
David and Lisa Officer
Ronald A. and Karen E.* Ollis
Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly
David E. O’Reilly
Dr. Nancy D. O’Reilly
Todd and Betty Parnell
Leslie Peck
Andy and Courtney Peebles
Tom and Jami Peebles
Mr.* and Mrs. G. Clair Plank
Ronald Ponds
B. G.* and Marie C.* Prater
Tom and Kimberley Prater
Cathy and Alex Primm
Clark* and Collene Rand
Louise Randolph*
Mr.* and Mrs. Herschel Reed
Paul and Carol Reinert
Jill and Brad Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs.* Edwin C. Rice Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Rogers
Ida Rolf*
Randy Russell
Elizabeth A. Schatz
Jo and Wayne Scheer
Steve Schneider Jr.
Stephen* and Helen* Sedora
Mary Ann Sharp
Ashley and Jordan Silva
Brenda Sims
Clif and Gail Smart
Howard and Betty Spain for Terri K. Spain
Andrew R. Spencer
Neil and Beverly Stenger
Harold* and Helen* Stoneman
Henry Straus*
Geneva Stuetzer*
Dr. William and Maura Taylor
D. Virginia Thomas
Doug Thornsberry
Jack and Stacey Thurman
Michael and Josette Tilley
David* and Jeanne* Toombs
Kathleen A. Travers
James Earl and Candace M.* Trogolo
Dr.* and Mrs. Yates Trotter
Jean Twitty
John Twitty
Mrs. Bryan M. Van Hook
Wanda L. Van Ness and Velma Meals
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Waight
Pat Walker*
John E. and Lori K. Wanamaker
Mr. Jerry Watley
Ella Wetherel*
William T. White*
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilkins
Ron* and Alice Wingo
Glen Wisdom*
Marc and MaryLou Wittmer
Mrs. Marilyn Wright*
Betty Young
Tab and Cynthia Zuch
Anonymous donors

Stand Up for the Arts

Rob Baird and Sally A. Baird
David* and Susan Belcher
Roseann Bentley
William Brandon Bowman*
Katie Cornwell
Beth Domann
Leah Hamilton Furman
Gloria J. Galanes
Rick and Vickie Giesen
Jan Horton*
Morey Mechlin
Derek R. Munson
Jane Munson-Berg
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Debra Russo
Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten

Alton Community Foundation

Ron and Shelia Dethrow Campbell
Brenda Dethrow Ledgerwood

Aurora Area Community Foundation

Brian and Reneé Fogle
Randy and Melissa* Howard
Jack and Cyndy Muench

Barton County Community Foundation

Martin and Brenda Bunton
Nancy Curless
Bob and Judy Rice

Bolivar Area Community Foundation

Price Baker Walden*

Carthage Community Foundation

Kevin and Sandi Checkett
Amy and Chad Cole
Darren and Heather Collier
Robert and Rebecca* Copeland
Pat and Judy Goff
Steven and Cynthia Head
Jim and Delores Honey
Kenneth Johnson*
Donald and Gloria LaFerla
Daniel and Mary Pat Lambeth
Kristi Montague
Samuel R. Morrow Jr.*
Marilyn R. Nicholas*
Mike, Lee and Emma Pound
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Putnam
Ruth I. Rubison Kolpin*
Patrick Scott
Dr.* and Mrs.* W. Russell Smith
William R. Smith, Jr.
Jane C. Trogdon
Jeffrey A. Williams

Cassville Community Foundation

Brenda Skelton Bendtsen and James Bendtsen
Donald L. and Mary B. Cupps
Douglas (Chad) Johnson
Katherine Rose

Crawford County Foundation

The Andreasson Family
W. James Barnett III
Kathy and Doug Lasley
Doug and Shirley Rutz

DACO Community Foundation

Randy and Renee Meents

Dallas County Community Foundation

S. Joy Beamer

Dent County Community Foundation

Mary Beth Cook
Bernard and Michelle Sirois

Douglas County Foundation

Janice C. Lorrain*

El Dorado Springs Community Foundation

Kay Clonts Anderson

Finley River Community Foundation

Dr. Cindy Baker
Jackie Barger
Margie Beadles
Earl M. Brake Jr.
Brian Cathey
Clifton* and Carole Collins
Elise Crain
Janis Creek
Hollie Estes
Susan Haralson
Mary Teresa Hedgpeth
Patty Johns
Joseph L. LaBarge Jr.
Matthew Lemmon
Karen L. Miller
Randy Mitchum
John Nixon
Mark* and Sarah Orr
Kathryn Owens
Bill and Debbie Phillips
Dale and Rachel Robertson
Nichole Rucker
Tom and Patti Tobin
John D. Torgerson
Mark A. Woods

Community Foundation of the Hermann Area Inc.

Ron Kraettli
Lois Kruse

Joplin Regional Community Foundation

Jane Cage
Michelle Ducre
John and Nancy Good
Lisa S. Knutzen
Steve Lawver (Carl Junction Community Center)
Ann Leach
Sandra J. and Henry G.* Morgan
Pete Ramsour
Michele D. Sexton, Matthew D. Lonardo, and Deandra R. Sexton
Marty and Lori Smith

Community Foundation of the Lake

Janice Gentile
Lois* and Richard Gonseth
Rick and Jane Kruse
Russell and Cynthia Martin
Mitchell Mills
Marvin B. Silliman
Walter G. White
Jane Wright

Lockwood Community Foundation


Marshfield Area Community Foundation

Caroline Ames
Anne Foster Armstrong
Jean Benzen and Mike Benzen
Adam Blanch
Kimberly Clark
John W. Dickey*
Rob Foster
Steve and Harriett Freeman
Barbara Herren
Anita Hunter
Nicholas W. Inman
Joy Johnson
L. Fay King
Chuck and Tiffany Replogle

Meramec Regional Community Foundation

Maria and Shawn Bancroft
Richard and Jeanne Cavender
Lucia Flaim
Mike* and Virgie Mahan
Joanne Zap

Monett Area Community Foundation

Mike Brownsberger
Gloria June Curbow*
Patricia W. Hall*
Mark E. Nelson

Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation


Mount Vernon Area Community Foundation

John L. Hayes* and Susanne M. Sickles
Winter Skelton Kinne

Nixa Community Foundation

Mitch Callicott
Mr.* and Mrs.* Jess Graham
Paul W. Johns
Betty Ann Rogers*
Mark Sellenriek*
Brian and Deanna Steele
Chris and Regina Thomas
Marc Truby
Sharon Whitehill*
Freddie and Melissa Young

Ozark County Community Foundation

Margo Murray
David and Michelle Pointer

Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation

Janet Brown
Russell French
Rev. Annette Joseph
L. Marie Obourn
Felicity Ray
Susan Skaggs
Matthew Winters

Perry County Community Foundation

Angela Swan

Republic Community Foundation

John L. Hayes* and Susanne M. Sickles
Joshua and Faith Mathews
Jane Gray Smith

Greater Seymour Area Foundation

Gary L. Childress and Donna A.* Childress
Ron Giedd*

Stockton Community Foundation

Alisa Bough
Marilyn and Donnie Ellis
Gary and Jana Funk
Brian and Kim Hammons
R. Dwain Hammons
William Jenkins
Peter Lee
Larry and Kathie Rieder

Table Rock Lake Community Foundation

Nita Jane Ayres
Charlotte Bostwick*
Jack and Sherry Herschend
Jim and Linda Holt
John* and Connie Johnson

Taney County Community Foundation

Iva M. Awberry*
James and Margie* King Berry
William and Sylvia Cornette
Pat* and Ransom* Davis
Doug and Gina Jordan
Donna Lee Moon
Mary L. Rigney

Truman Lake Community Foundation

Berry and Judy Beebe
John* and Betty* Brecht
Bryan Himes
J.C. Smith*
Doug and Sandra Thomason
Robert Wheeler

Valle Schools, Ste. Genevieve

Mildred* and Leona* Hoffman

Community Foundation of West Plains Inc.

Charles and Robin Morgan
Richard and Carol Silvey
Gene and Marcy Weinbeck

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