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Musgrave Multi-Year Impact Grants: Keys to Housing 2025 - Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Keys to Housing $750,000 over three years will fund successful proposals that support affordable and safe housing opportunities in the Springfield area. Learn More

How to make a planned gift

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There are many ways to ensure your passions and favorite nonprofit organizations are taken care of into perpetuity. Making a planned charitable gift can be simple.

The most common is a bequest of a percentage or fixed amount through a will or trust. Individuals can also name a fund at the CFO as the beneficiary of a portion of a retirement account or life insurance policy.

Transfer on death can be added to anything with a title or deed – car, house, vacation home, etc. Pay on death can be added to a checking or savings account.

There are ways to structure planned charitable gifts that also provide life income through charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts.

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