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Donate Today Disaster relief and recovery efforts are now underway in southern and central Missouri DONATE NOW

This year’s program will be measured in two parts: ​

  • Highest overall percent increase from FY22 (July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022) in assets, funds, grantmaking, and Legacy Society members​. This part will be tracked by CFO staff.
  • Your affiliate’s response to these questions:
    • How has your affiliate foundation applied the principles of leadership and community collaboration to your community in the last year?
    • What has your affiliate done to promote planned/Legacy giving in the last year? What is your plan to promote planned giving in your community in the coming months?


To be eligible for an award, your affiliate MUST submit responses to the two questions by Feb. 15, 2023.


  • All Volunteer (43 affiliates):
    • 1st place: $6,000
    • 2nd place: $3,000
    • 3rd place: $2,000
  • Affiliates with staff (10 affiliates):
    • 1st place: $6,000
    • 2nd place: $3,000

Submit Responses

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