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Annual Report FY22

The Power of Endowments

More than 20 varieties of oak dominate Missouri’s ecosystem as the state’s most important group of trees. From them fall the hard-shelled acorns holding nuts that harness the energy to grow new trees and nutrients to support the seedlings. This fall, in fact, the plentitude of acorns in Missouri may signal a “masting” season of enormous seed crop.

Is it any wonder, then, that acorns are a frequent analogy for the similar power of endowments to provide sturdy, nurturing energy that advances philanthropy across generations?

Endowment calculators wow potential donors with numbers extrapolating how the corpus, or nut, of endowed gifts grows over time by making annual distributions under careful investment stewardship. We prefer to share real-life stories from the CFO’s own bumper crop of generosity.

The Annual Report FY22 is a publication of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, a public charitable foundation founded in 1973, now representing the region of Missouri south of the Missouri River. Production by Aaron Scott, Kaitlyn McConnell and Louise Knauer; Research support provided by Kirsten Binder, Bridget Dierks, Caitlin Golike, Beth Hersh, Winter Kinne, Luis Leon, Holly Nickos, Caden Sanders, Ashley Silva and Alice Wingo.

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Preserving Bull Mills

Take a tour and learn about Bob and Barb Kipfer’s historic Bull Mills property, which will be cared for in perpetuity through a legacy endowment.

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