Corporate Sponsorships for the Generosity Collective
The Community Foundation of the Ozarks invites Springfield-area business owners and employers to consider a Generosity Collective membership for yourself or a member of your organization.
The Community Foundation of the Ozarks invites Springfield-area business owners and employers to consider a Generosity Collective membership for yourself or a member of your organization.
The Generosity Collective is a network of philanthropically minded individuals, couples and families. Together, we pool donations and collectively decide on grant recipients, creating greater impact in the community than we could alone.
In 2024, the inaugural Generosity Collective awarded $144,580 to four Springfield-area agencies. This year, we seek to make an even greater impact, and you or your business can be a part of it!
For the first time, we are accepting corporate sponsorships of GenCo members. For a $2,500 tax-deductible contribution, a member of your organization can participate in Generosity Collective events and grantmaking decisions while simultaneously expanding your business's visability among community-minded individuals.
Research shows an engaged workforce is among the biggest business drivers, and employees value employers who are active in and responsive to the needs of their community. GenCo provides an opportunity for both!
Please use the buttons below to access either our online membership form or learn more about the Generosity Collective. If you have specific questions, please reach out to Ashley Silva, the CFO’s vice president of development and philanthropic services, at