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What a year to serve as board chair for the Community Foundation of the Ozarks! As you will read in the pages to follow, 2023–24 at the CFO was one of momentous transition, with not only the hiring of a new president but the purchase of a large building to be the future home for the organization. Meanwhile, the amazing work of the foundation continued throughout southern Missouri in so many ways. It has been my honor to play a part.

As a longtime officer in the U.S. military and a champion of economic and community development (in my day job), planning, preparation and purpose are central in my life. So, it makes sense that they would also be hallmarks of my philanthropic journey.

In 2012, my wife and I made the decision to establish four endowed charitable funds through the CFO under the umbrella of our hometown Republic Community Foundation, one in each of our children’s names. These funds were not for immediate use. Rather, they were intended to grow along with our kids allowing them to fund future causes important to them. There are several lessons we hoped to impart with this decision:

  • Purpose, purpose, purpose: Philanthropy is optional, yet it is a critical part of our society that positively impacts the quality of life in our community. It has a greater purpose that requires intentionality.
  • Giving is a priority: By endowing these funds for charitable purposes, we hoped to teach our kids the importance of giving, while also enabling them to support efforts they are passionate about.
  • Taking the long view: Through the CFO’s sound stewardship and our own financial planning, our kids can learn that modest gifts can create a significant impact years later.

Perhaps the most gratifying part of our journey is seeing how each of our kids has managed granting from their fund. Their causes are as diverse as their personalities. They take the time to assess the impact their gift will have on individuals, organizations or the greater community. Our goal was to teach them philanthropy, but they demonstrated the literal meaning of it, “love of humanity.”

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Dean Thompson passed the gavel to Anne E. McGregor, the CFO’s board chair for the 2024–25 fiscal year, at the end of its June board meeting.

My own philanthropic journey has evolved as well. Five years ago, I went from a fundholder with the CFO to joining its board of directors. When I agreed to become an officer, then chair, I couldn’t have foreseen leading this dynamic group at such a pivotal time for the foundation. Though always rewarding, there were a few daunting moments while we were selecting the leader to transform the organization and the building we would call home for decades. During these times, I simply stepped back and reminded myself of the principles that led us to open those funds for our children a dozen years ago: Purpose. Planning. Stewardship. All with the future in mind. These also are the “whys” behind everything the CFO does ... and that includes selection of its leaders and the purchase of real estate.

I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge and thank the board and CFO staff for your dedication. Together, we transitioned leadership from Brian Fogle to Winter Kinne without missing a beat. I am excited to see how Winter’s passion, relationships and experience will be used to advance the foundation’s mission well into the future. Together, we also purchased a home for the future that serves as a visible reminder of the CFO’s role as a regional beacon for philanthropy.

Our accomplishments this past year reminded me of a Henry Ford quote: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” We never know what challenges tomorrow will bring, but by moving forward together our philanthropic efforts will pay dividends for multiple generations to come.

Dean Thompson served as chair of the CFO’s Board of Directors for the 2023–24 fiscal year. This letter is featured in Passion & Purpose, the CFO magazine, summer 2024.

Passion & Purpose: Summer 2024

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