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Musgrave Multi-Year Impact Grants: Keys to Housing 2025 - Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Keys to Housing $750,000 over three years will fund successful proposals that support affordable and safe housing opportunities in the Springfield area. Learn More

Once you log into Fund Manager and are on the home page for an affiliate foundation, you can navigate through the tabs at the top of the page to review information available to you as an affiliate officer. Below is a summary of information for each tab. If you also advise a fund, you may notice that different tabs may be visible.

  • Home: Shows a summary of the affiliate’s total assets (current balance), plus the spendable balance for all funds under the affiliate. It also shows a list of all fund advisors, total contributions to date and total grants given to date for all funds held by the affiliate.
  • Choose Fund: Will be visible if you are a fund advisor to other funds or affiliate foundations.
  • Choose Group: Will be visible if you are a fund advisor for more than one affiliate foundation.
  • Gifts: Shows all contributions or donations to the fund.
    • Clicking on a contributor’s name will bring up their contribution history.
    • Activity can be sorted or filtered by date, contributor name, fund name, type or amount.
    • Information from this tab can be exported as a spreadsheet. While viewing this page, scroll the tab menu all the way to the right to find the “Export” tab.
  • Grants: Shows the grant history of the fund.
    • The grantee summary table shows grantee names, number of grants each grantee has received, and total amount of all grants to each grantee.
    • This table can be sorted or filtered by grantee name, total number of grants, and total grant amount
    • The grant table beneath the grantee summary table shows all grants from the fund or affiliate foundation. This table can be sorted or filtered by date, status, recipient name, fund name, description and grant amount.
    • Information from this tab can be exported as a spreadsheet. While viewing this page, scroll the tab menu all the way to the right to find the “Export” tab.
  • Statements: Allows you to view and download fund statements generated from CSuite.
    • If you choose to print statements, the system will generate a pdf that you can save or print.
  • Files: Allows you to view and download any files uploaded to the fund record. The June 30, 2022, statement for the fund can be found here.
  • Donate: Takes you to the public Online Donations page where you can give to funds held by the CFO or its regional affiliates, or buy tickets to events benefitting funds held by the CFO.
  • Expenses: This tab shows a list of expenses or invoices paid by the fund.
    • Information from this tab can be exported as a spreadsheet. While viewing this page, scroll the tab menu all the way to the right to find the “Export” tab.
  • Non-Gifts: Shows all contributions or donations to the fund that had benefits attached to them, making them not fully tax-deductible.
    • Information from this tab can be exported as a spreadsheet. While viewing this page, scroll the tab menu all the way to the right to find the “Export” tab.
  • Financials: Allows you to produce “Statement of Financial Position” and “Statement of Activities” reports with custom date ranges for all funds held under the affiliate.
    • To generate a report, first select the type of report, then choose a date or date range. Once the report is generated, you can copy the text of the report and paste it into a spreadsheet application.
    • Please note: Reports can only be created for date ranges after July 1, 2022. A report will include “DRAFT” in the title if it includes data from an unclosed period.
  • Logout: Closes your current login session on Fund Manager.
  • Export: If visible, allows the download of a spreadsheet for the tab that you are currently viewing.
  • Export Fund Balances: Only visible while on the home page for an affiliate, clicking this tab will generate a spreadsheet with a list of all open funds of the affiliate, along with the total balance and spendable balance for each fund. This provides a snapshot view of the component funds of an affiliate.

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