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Donate Today Disaster relief and recovery efforts are now underway in southern and central Missouri DONATE NOW

What We Do

Contact Us

The CFO provides philanthropic leadership to build stronger communities.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our region through resource development, community grantmaking, collaboration and public leadership.

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We help donors achieve their philanthropic goals through professional management and investment of charitable funds.

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We work with nonprofit organizations to help them fulfill their missions through fund administration, grantmaking and learning opportunities.

Student icon

We award scholarships to deserving students to help them achieve their educational goals.

Our Services

Learn more about what we provide.

The CFO offers a range of philanthropic services to support our donors, affiliate foundations, professional advisors and nonprofit organizations in achieving their goals.

Our Leadership Work

The CFO’s leadership is building a stronger foundation for place-based philanthropy.

Learn More Teacher in a classroom in a rural schools partnership program with CFO
Rural Schools Partnership

Strong schools are anchors for rural communities; the CFO is a national leader in philanthropy for place-based education.

Learn More Group photo of young adults involved in a youth empowerment project at CFO
Youth Empowerment Project

Student chapters across the region instill the tenets of philanthropy and volunteerism in the next generation of leaders.

Learn More Jewell Browns receives a humanitarian award
Humanitarian Award

This annual award celebrates those with courage, wisdom and a record of service that creates long-term impact for their communities.

Learn More Building in West Plains that provides below-market loans to help fund region projects
Mission-Related Investing

By providing below-market loans to help finance projects with a public purpose, the CFO creates a “double-bottom line” for investing in our region.

Learn More CFO partners present at The Northwest Project collaborative funding event
Collaborative Funding

The CFO partners with grantmakers across and outside our region to pool funds for high-priority needs such as rural health, poverty and disaster resiliency.

Our Impact

Philanthropy has the power to transform our communities.

Learn More A group photo of individuals receiving a grant check

More than $500 million has been granted and distributed since the CFO’s founding in 1973.

Learn More Individuals at a Truman Lake volunteers board meeting

Hundreds of volunteer leaders guide locally based decisions to improve communities.

Learn More CFO presents at a collaboration event

Collaboration is a cornerstone of the CFO’s commitment to public leadership.

Support our mission by becoming a donor today.

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