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CFO Grants

Explore Open Grants

Through a variety of grant programs, the CFO addresses the needs of our region.

About CFO Grants

Individuals present a CFO grant check

The CFO offers a series of grant cycles based on its July–to–June fiscal year, so grant cycles are announced beginning in July.

Discretionary grants are made possible through the generosity of donors who want to support a specific cause or a general field of interest, such as education or animal welfare. Each cycle has its own criteria and deadlines.

Organizations within the CFO’s service region are eligible to apply if they hold IRS tax status of 501(c)3 or education, faith or government institutions with similar tax-exempt status.

The CFO uses Foundant’s Grant Lifecycle Manager, a separate online platform, to accept applications and track grant progress. The CFO’s affiliate foundations also offer grants to eligible agencies within their geographic service areas.

Types of Grants

The CFO offer a variety of grant opportunities.

The Northwest Project presenters

Multi-Year, High-Impact Grantmaking

The CFO makes larger-scale, multi-year grants such as The Northwest Project and the Advancing Mental Wellness and Musgrave Multi-Year Impact grant programs.

Child receives an award related to a CFO diversity, equity, and inclusion grant

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Through two grant programs, the CFO is committed to achieving positive impact with regard to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion across our region.

Fairbanks volunteers serve food

Springfield Metro Area

Several competitive grant cycles are open for eligible Springfield-Greene County agencies. These are often tied into the goals outlined in the Community Focus Report for Springfield-Greene County, with an emphasis on collaboration.

Individuals in Mountain Grove receive a community affiliate grant

Affiliate Community Grantmaking

Many of the CFO’s affiliate foundations offer grants within their geographic service areas. Each affiliate determines its own criteria and deadlines.

West Plains, Missouri downtown street

Coover Regional Partnership

The Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation, in partnership with Commerce Trust Company, offers grants that support rural communities and the principles of place-based education.

Musgrave Foundation Partnership administers grant at event

Musgrave Foundation Partnership

The CFO administers grantmaking for the Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation, which has granted more than $17 million in grants to agencies in Springfield-Greene County.

Individuals meet at a specialty grant event

Specialty Grants

Donors with specific interests support focused grants ranging from pediatric cancer to youth orthodontic treatment. Some of these cycles are open throughout the year, while others have specific deadlines.

Our Team for Impact

Friendly service from dedicated staff.

Our Community Impact team assists nonprofit agencies, students and others seeking grants, scholarships and technical assistance with our online management systems.


News and information about the CFO’s grant programs.

Support our mission by becoming a donor today.

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